The region's leading hospitality career magazine |
HOTEL Asia Pacific - the region's leading trade magazine for hospitality training, education and recruitment - has partnered with Cornell University and the School of Hotel & Tourism Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Our regular columns on the challenges and opportunities of working in the industry are essential reading for hotel professionals at all levels. Whatever your career path, HOTEL Asia Pacific is just the job. |
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Please contact Georgina Shellum at
georgina@hotelasiapacific.com for our editorial calendar.
ENGLISH EDITION Geographical Breakdown |
Australia | 560 |
China | 1,700 |
Hong Kong | 1,800 |
India | 500 |
Indonesia | 700 |
Japan | 150 |
Macau | 50 |
Malaysia | 600 |
New Zealand | 150 |
Pakistan | 50 |
Philippines | 550 |
Singapore | 1,550 |
South Korea | 50 |
Sri Lanka | 50 |
Taiwan | 370 |
Thailand | 650 |
Vietnam | 50 |
Others | 300 |
TOTAL | 9,830 |
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Advertising in HOTEL Asia Pacific
Ad Sizes (in millimetres) |
Full page |
297 x 210 (trimmed) 303 x 216 (bleed) |
1/2 page (horizontal) |
133 x 190 (non-bleed) 146 x 216 (bleed ?3 sides) |
1/2 page (vertical) |
277 x 90 (non- bleed) 303 x 103 (bleed ?3 sides) |
1/4 page (vertical) |
133 x 90 (non bleed) |
Agency Discount
A maximum 15% agency commission (on gross billing) will be allowed to accredited agencies.
Rates will be provided according to individual specifications. Contact your local media representative.
Artwork & Film Production Charges
Simple budget advertisements, i.e. headline, photograph, text, company logo + colour separations (film):
Full Page: US$200
Reprint & Run-On Orders
HOTEL Asia Pacific articles and advertisements are available on a custom printing basis.
For pricing and further information, please contact your local media representative.
Fixed position 10% loading
Premium position 20% loading
Proofs must be supplied with all film. Progressive proofs, Match-prints, Cromalins, etc, are acceptable.
Offset Film Specifications
- 4/C, 2/C or b&w offset film positives (right reading, emulsion side down) should be furnished.
- 150 maximum line screen ruling is recommended
- Negatives can be converted to positives
- Rotation of colours (C,M,Y,K)
- Four colours: maximum density in any one area, all colours: 300%
- Two colours: overprint colours should not exceed 185% and only colour may be solid
- SWOP Standards apply.
For advertising enquiries, please contact:
Georgina Shellum
Director Business Development
HOTEL Asia Pacific
158 Wong Uk Tsuen, Yuen Long,
New Territories, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2443 7352
Fax: (852) 2882 2461
E-mail: georgina@hotelasiapacific.com
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For more information, please contact:
email: subscriptions@hotelasiapacific.com
e-mail: steve@hotelasiapacific.com
Advertising Enquiries
email: georgina@hotelasiapacific.com
General Enquiries
email: georgina@hotelasiapacific.com
Our Address
Hotel Asia Pacific
158 Wong Uk Tsuen
Yuen Long, New Territories
Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2443 7352
Fax: +852 2882 2461
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