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The region's leading hospitality career magazine
HOTEL Asia Pacific - the region's leading trade magazine for hospitality training, education and recruitment - has partnered with Cornell University and the School of Hotel & Tourism Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Our regular columns on the challenges and opportunities of working in the industry are essential reading for hotel professionals at all levels. Whatever your career path, HOTEL Asia Pacific is just the job.

HOTEL Asia Pacific and HOTEL China are now available online in PDF format. The full magazine, including links to advertisers' websites can be downloaded to your desktop. If you wish to access the online version of these magazines, please fill in, on a one-time basis, the form below and we will send you a password to open the PDF file for each issue.

Archive issues of the magazines can be purchased in hard copy from the publisher on application to the publisher's office. Subscriptions to the magazines are available through the subscriptions link on this site.

Multi-award-winning HOTEL Asia Pacific and Chinese language HOTEL China are read by today's - and tomorrow's - top decision makers in the world's fastest-growing hotel market. Each issue goes beyond the news to provide extensive analysis of developments and trends in every sector of the industry, including new hotel developments, security, education, conservation, finance, investment, technology, design, F&B and HR.

The magazines are editorially led - giving readers the facts, and advertisers a medium that is actually read - and trusted.

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